10:00am | Festive Yet Tasteful ECD DS
Old Time Gospel Sing GB
Israeli Oldies Dance Party NS
Rise and Shine Contras DS
Intro to English Country Dance TB
Songcatchers of Northern New England P
Sing Me a Story GF
Family Folk Dance DF
Irish Slow Session GB
Living on the Downhill Side E
10:00am |
10:15am | 10:15am |
10:30am | Unusual Instrument Concert E
Power Harmonies GB
10:30am |
10:45am | 10:45am |
11:00am | Sparkling ECD, New and Old DS
West Gallery Music GS
Croatian Dance Favorites DS
Contra Chestnuts DS
Intro to Contra DB
Singing Greek Folk Songs GB
Fun and Interactive Songs for Children GF
Morris Dance For Families DF
Modern Contra Tunes Slow Jam GS
Guitar/Uke/Vocal Concert! E
11:00am |
11:15am | 11:15am |
11:30am | How to Play the Irish Bodhran TB
Eclectic A Cappella E
11:30am |
11:45am | 11:45am |
12:00noon | |
Sing-a-Round Round Sing GB
Contra Flourishes! TS
English and Contra DS
Intro to Balkan Dancing TB
Bretagne Jam (Music from Brittany) GS
Book in the Song, Song in the Book EF
Singing Games for Children GF
Hypnotic Old-Time Jam GS
NEFFA Annual Meeting P
12:00noon |
12:15pm | Dance Performance
12:15pm |
12:30pm | Shenandoah Harmony Singing GS
Birds of Passage E
12:30pm |
12:45pm | 12:45pm |
1:00pm | Jug Band Jam! GB
Scottish Country Dancing for Beginners TB
International Dances in "Challenging Times" TS
Milk and Cookies (Family Dance) DF
Clarinet Marmalade and Other Ragtime Delicacies E
Folk Song Singalong GF
(set chairs)
Banjo and Hardingfele Mountain Music E
Anglo-Celtic Songs & Tunes E
1:00pm |
1:15pm | |
1:15pm |
1:30pm | Sunday Contra Medley NX
Harmony, History, and Huzzah! E
Harmony Singing Strategies for All TB
Iberia Georgian Songs from Children E
1:30pm |
1:45pm | 1:45pm |
2:00pm | Breaking the Chain Contras DS
Chanteys and Songs of the Sea E
Ragtime Couple Dances TB
East Hungarian Line Dances DB
Community Dance Party DF
Writing The Songs of Our Ancestors TB
Sing Along With Evy GB
Singing the American Revolution GS
Clawhammer Banjo Concert E
2:00pm |
2:15pm | 2:15pm |
2:30pm | Lilting Jam: Singing the Tunes GB
Remembrance of John Roberts GB
Hammered Dulcimer Round Robin E
2:30pm |
2:45pm | Peace and Protest, Love and Longing E
2:45pm |
3:00pm | Hey There Contras! DS
Bluegrass Slow Jam GB
International Dancing NS
WaltzTime NS
Beginning Appalachian Flatfooting TB
Clap It, Tap It: Global Rhythm Games TF
Romanian Jam/Teach GS
More Songs from All Over E
3:00pm |
3:15pm | 3:15pm |
3:30pm | Songs About Birds GS
Northern New England and French Canadian Jam GS
(set chairs)
3:30pm |
3:45pm | 3:45pm |
4:00pm | Festival Orchestra Contras and Sqs -- Merry Go Round at 4:35! DS
Protest Song Share GS
Brattleboro Ball Classics (ECD) DS
Scandi-American Dance Honoring Nils Lundin NX
Only By Singing E
You Won’t Believe Your Ears! GB
Family Folk Dance DF
Closing Sing-Around GB
New Folk Songs for Fiddle, Voice, and Feet E
4:00pm |
4:15pm | Balkan Dance NS
4:15pm |
4:30pm | |
4:30pm |
4:45pm | 4:45pm |
5:00pm | |
5:00pm |
5:15pm | 5:15pm |
5:30pm | Festival Concludes -- See you next year! | 5:30pm |