Contra/English/Irish/Morris/Old Time music on piano, guitar, banjo uke, and button box

Member of: B.A.D., The Bone Folders (also group contact), Boston Scottish Fiddle Orchestra, Dusty Miller (also group contact), The Fish Family (also group contact), Hot Air, Midnight Toast (also group contact), Old Peculier, Phantom Power (also group contact), Reel Deal (also group contact), Roaring Jelly (on Dynamite), Bruce Rosen & Nora Smith (also group contact), Sax Appeal, The Threes (also group contact), West Newton Ceili Band (also group contact)
ERASETHISrosen DOT bruce AT gmail DOT com
23 Hazelhurst Av.
West Newton MA 02465
Scheduled to appear at NEFFA 2025:
Music of Scotland and Cape BretonE Saturday April 26, 6:00pm to 6:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Scottish and Cape Breton tunes arranged by Neil Pearlman bring a unique sound while keeping to tradition. Our big fiddle sound is enhanced by flute, whistle, guitars, mandolins, cellos, accordions and more.
Intro to English Country DanceTB Sunday April 27, 10:00am to 10:50am, [Show on Grid]
Learn the basic steps and figures of English Country Dance while dancing to beautiful music.

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