English and Contra calling; Balkan, Scandinavian, Hungarian, Waltz, etc. and International Folkdance teaching.

Member of: Forgas
ERASETHIStroby5 AT gmail DOT com
+1-860-942-4260 (cell)
Scheduled to appear at NEFFA 2025:
Beranche: Basic and Bodacious BalkanTS Friday April 25, 8:00pm to 8:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Learn the footwork and styling to dances in the Beranche uneven-five rhythm (SQQSQ). Amaze your friends by knowing how to move to these wonderful tunes.
ACE: Advanced Challenging EnglishDX Friday April 25, 10:00pm to 11:30pm, [Show on Grid]
For Those Who Know English Country Dancing Well: a session of more challenging and less familiar dances, with efficient teaching for maximal dancing.
Learn the ECD Medley DancesDS Saturday April 26, 12:00noon to 12:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Learn all of the dances for this year's English dance medley! Includes tips for expeditious recoveries. No obligation to participate in the actual medley.
English Country Dance MedleyNX Saturday April 26, 1:00pm to 1:20pm, [Show on Grid]
English country dances called in succession, no teaching! Dancers are expected to know all of the usual calls and be able to respond quickly.
East Hungarian Line DancesDB Sunday April 27, 2:00pm to 2:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Simple, fun village dances from the far reaches of the Hungarian diaspora, in Moldavia (Moldva Csángó). Efficient teaching for maximal dancing.

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