Dance Leader; Yoga Instructor; Joy Diviner

Member of: Betwixt and Between (also group contact), Dread Pirate Rapper (also group contact), Hot Toddy (also group contact), Jack Rose, Mills, Mills, Coakley Stowe, Rain (also group contact), Night Cap (also group contact)
ERASETHISannarain4 AT gmail DOT com
1-240-645-8482 (cell)
Scheduled to appear at NEFFA 2025:
Keeping our Bodies Dancing as We AgeGB Friday April 25, 7:00pm to 7:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Some useful movements to incorporate into our lives so that our bodies are more comfortable and can continue to dance and make music. Suitable for all bodies of any age and ability!
Learn the ECD Medley DancesDS Saturday April 26, 12:00noon to 12:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Learn all of the dances for this year's English dance medley! Includes tips for expeditious recoveries. No obligation to participate in the actual medley.
English Country Dance MedleyNX Saturday April 26, 1:00pm to 1:20pm, [Show on Grid]
English country dances called in succession, no teaching! Dancers are expected to know all of the usual calls and be able to respond quickly.
English Country Dance Tune JamGS Saturday April 26, 6:00pm to 6:50pm, [Show on Grid]
From 1651 to the present, ECD tunes delight us with their variety. Let’s play melodies from the spritely to the sumptuous. Requests welcome! If you have them, bring Barnes books and music stands to share.
Sparkling ECD, New and OldDS Sunday April 27, 11:00am to 11:50am, [Show on Grid]
A refreshing assortment of English Country Dance, including well-loved classics and a few bubbly new concoctions.

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