We are a community world harmony chorus founded in 2005 and drawing adult & teen singers from throughout New England. We sing eclectic repertoire emphasizing appropriateness rather than appropriation, including music from Bosnia, Georgia, and South Africa

Members: Marcia Coakley, Mary Dart, Dexter Eames, Leah Feeney, Siva Fine, Gwen Frankfeldt, Cathy Haines, Judy Hersh, Marissa Hutton, Shiri Katz-Gershon, Charlie Kelly, Joan Kennedy, Daniel Macumber, Lora Mills, Diane Minasian, Sinead O'Mahoney (also group contact), Wanda Philibert, Laura Purdom, Jane Saks, Judy Savage, Teleri Spanogle, Debra Strick, San Tunstall, Qudrat Wasefi, Tamar Wolfson
Sinead O'Mahoney
Scheduled to appear at NEFFA 2025:
World Music ConcertE Saturday April 26, 12:00noon to 12:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Boston Harmony, a multigenerational community choir, will perform a variety of music including American shape-note songs and traditional songs from Corsica, Caucasus Georgia, the Balkans, and South Africa.

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