Contra dance pianist and fiddler, band director

Member of: Accentricity, Childsplay, Debby & Carol, FloorPlay (also group contact), Free Association, Full Tilt (also group contact), Jim Guinness Tribute Band, Mary Lea & Friends, Roaring Jelly, Roaring Jelly (on Dynamite), Square Roots (also group contact), Sweet Music (also group contact), Swizzlestix, Vince O'Donnell & Friends, Waltz Mania (also group contact)
617-792-2500 (cell)
380 Broadway
Cambridge MA 02139
Scheduled to appear at NEFFA 2025:
Contra ClassicsDS Friday April 25, 7:00pm to 7:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Great contras from before the year 2000!
Slow Jam: The Pulse of a ReelGS Friday April 25, 9:00pm to 9:50pm, [Show on Grid]
We love reels for their energy and drive, but how do we inject the lift that keeps dancers flying high? In this slow jam, we’ll explore some excellent reels of different types and learn how to feel the pulse and lay down the groove.
Singing SquaresDS Saturday April 26, 5:00pm to 5:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Traditional squares to singing calls in the old New England style

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