Roaring Jelly is a large contra and square dance band

Members: Terrence Cassidy, John Chambers, Dennis DelDonno, Jonathan Finger, Deborah Gerstein (also group contact), Joel Gonzales, Aram Hollman, Joyce Isen, Jan Jones, Esther Keaney, Debby Knight, Marcia Landa, Marcia Lipski, Bob Littman, Paul Lizotte, Sally Malast, Ken Mattsson, Susan Nickerson, Michael Pavan, Bruce Randall, Andrew Riffin, Brad Sayler, Div Slomin, Stuart Soloway, Dan Wheatley, Judith Wong
Deborah Gerstein
Scheduled to appear at NEFFA 2025:
Contra ClassicsDS Friday April 25, 7:00pm to 7:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Great contras from before the year 2000!

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