Dancer, musician, caller of seated square dances

Member of: Assabet Ramblers (also group contact), Fred Wersan & Friends (also group contact)
ERASETHISfredwersan AT gmail DOT com
+1-978-369-3141, 978-505-3323 (cell)
Scheduled to appear at NEFFA 2025:
Ki Ho'alu: Hawaiian Slack Key GuitarE Saturday April 26, 2:00pm to 2:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Slack key guitar is a style of guitar playing developed by the people of Hawaii. Come listen to the mellow sounds of the islands.
Seated Square DanceDB Saturday April 26, 4:00pm to 4:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Just like conventional squares, except you are seated. Great fun for all ages, but may be particularly fun for people with mobility issues or who cannot participate in other dances.

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