Fiddler (southern old time, Irish, Shetland, contradance).

Member of: Can-Am Hotshots, Dogtown (also group contact)
ERASETHISrmiller AT hampshire DOT edu
1-860-836-6477 (cell)
18 Old Town Road
Amherst MA 01002
Scheduled to appear at NEFFA 2025:
Fiddle Tunes from "Down East:" New Brunswick, CanadaTS Saturday April 26, 1:00pm to 1:50pm, [Show on Grid]
We will learn tunes in the free-wheeling, notey style from New Brunswick, Canada. With a focus on bowing and ornamentation, this workshop is geared for players who learn by ear.
Thank You, Dan Pearl (Contras)DS Saturday April 26, 7:30pm to 8:20pm, [Show on Grid]
A contra dance tribute to caller and Neffa organizer extraordinaire, Dan Pearl.

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