Unaccompanied singer of traditional songs, ballads, and English Music Hall songs. Past President, The Folk Song Society of Greater Boston; Past Producer, The Old Howard Troupe.

Member of: Lynn Feingold & Friends (also group contact), Lynn Feingold & Karen Hafner (also group contact), Folk Song Society of Greater Boston, Suzanne Mrozak & Friends, The Old Howard Troupe (also group contact), Paper Bag Mummers
ERASETHISlynnfeingold0 AT gmail DOT com
+1-781-227-7500 (cell)
26 Amelian Road
Randolph MA 02368
Scheduled to appear at NEFFA 2025:
FSSGB Song SwapGB Friday April 25, 7:00pm to 7:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Everyone is welcome to join our folk singing party. The song leaders will get us started but every attendee is welcome to suggest songs that we can sing together.
Well, That Didn't End Well: Tragic Trad BalladsGS Saturday April 26, 9:30pm to 10:50pm, [Show on Grid]
If you have a tragic traditional ballad, bring it! We will be sharing the sad and tragic story songs of long ago that still haunt us today. Expect adult themes, bloodshed, death, and unhappy endings.

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