Frank Ruck performing original songs from his 2022 album Americana Wandering

Member of: Blue Jersey Band, Rum & Onions
ERASETHISfrankruck AT verizon DOT net
6099211874, 6095718390 (cell)
26 Spruce St
Appeared at NEFFA 2024:
Django, Jazz, & BluegrazzE Saturday April 20, 3:30pm to 4:20pm, [Show on Grid]
Blue Jersey Band plays jazz, swing, bluegrass, and folk on guitars and mandolin- tight harmonies, masterful flatpicking- something for everyone.
Contras with Rum & OnionsDS Saturday April 20, 6:30pm to 7:20pm, [Show on Grid]
Contra dance to the music of the creative and BIG band Rum & Onions! Some experience helpful.

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