Member of: Ad-Hoc Waltz & Quadrille Band, Border Crossings, Harmonic Regression (also group contact), Jean Monroe & Friends (also group contact), Noyse at Will, The Old Howard Troupe, Outside of Enough, Paradise Bird (also group contact), Two Cousins
ERASETHISjkm DOT 10 AT comcast DOT net
16 Grant Street
Maynard MA 01754
Appeared at NEFFA 2024:
Couple Sequence DancesDB Saturday April 20, 12:00noon to 12:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Choreographed couple dances from different traditions, pretty, lively, fun.
Ragtime FoxtrotTB Sunday April 21, 10:00am to 10:50am, [Show on Grid]
Super-easy couple dancing! The original foxtrot of the 1910s before it became a standardized ballroom dance. Lively and fun!

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