5-string fiddle and nyckelharpa for dancing, specializing in ECD and Scandinavian repertoire.

Tip jar: https://paypal.me/lydia413

Member of: Bruce & lydia (also group contact), Matt Fichtenbaum & lydia ievins, The Further Adventures, Harpas Four, Harpas Three, Kathy & lydia (also group contact), Mulberry Garden (also group contact), Shandy Hall String Quartet, lydia & Andrea (also group contact)
ERASETHISlydiadance AT gmail DOT com
+1-413-863-4887 (cell)
2 Marshall St.
Turners Falls MA 01376-1728
Scheduled to appear at NEFFA 2025:
Swedish Couple DancingNS Saturday April 26, 7:00pm to 8:20pm, [Show on Grid]
A session of Swedish couple turning dances -- regional polskas along with hambo, schottis, waltz, and more.
Festive Yet Tasteful ECDDS Sunday April 27, 10:00am to 10:50am, [Show on Grid]
A stylish blend of English country dances: from elegant to energetic, playful to thoughtful, flowing to frolicking!

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