Chris plays mandolin, banjo, whistle, clarinet and sax, and sings.

Member of: Chris Carpenter & Dave Miller (also group contact), Dave Miller & Chris Carpenter, Kinnegad Slashers, Spare Change, Termites' Delight
ERASETHISmandochamp2013 AT gmail DOT com
+1-718-415-7917 (cell)
Scheduled to appear at NEFFA 2025:
Contra Tune Slow JamGS Saturday April 26, 12:00noon to 12:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Dave and Chris will lead a slow jam session of favorite traditional tunes commonly played for New England style Contra Dancing. All instruments and levels welcome. No written music; all tunes will be played by ear.
McQuillen Tune Slow JamGS Saturday April 26, 5:30pm to 6:20pm, [Show on Grid]
Dave and Chris will lead a slow jam of favorite tunes composed by Bob McQuillen, a New England piano and accordion player who inspired many of us. Music will be provided, but playing by ear is encouraged. All instruments and levels welcome.

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