Member of: Boston Spelemannslag, Marilyn Butler & Friends (also group contact), Matt Fichtenbaum & Friends, Marilyn Butler & Amy Parker, Rorosvenner, Røroslaget, SAC Spelmanslag (also group contact)
7742397093 (cell)
Scheduled to appear at NEFFA 2025:
Mostly Swedish JamGS Saturday April 26, 11:30am to 12:20pm, [Show on Grid]
We will be hosting a jam of our favorite Scandi tunes. We'll have a tune book available for those new to the tunes.
Scandi-American Dance Honoring Nils LundinNX Sunday April 27, 4:00pm to 4:50pm, [Show on Grid]
We will play dance music primarily from the repertoire of Massachusetts accordionist Nils Lundin (1921-2014) who is known for his American Wooden Shoe polka and his Saturday night dances at SAC Park in Shrewsbury, MA. We will play a selection of hambos, schottisches, snoas, waltzes, polkas, polketts, and a tango.

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