National champion hammered dulcimer teacher/performer of folk, classical & popular music.

Member of: Friends of Jon Weinberg, Hammered Dulcimer Consortium, N.E. Hammered Dulcimer Teachers (also group contact), Nematodes (also group contact)
ERASETHISdaveneiman AT gmail DOT com
617-938-8325 (cell)
32 Essex St.
United States
Scheduled to appear at NEFFA 2025:
Hammered Dulcimer Round RobinE Sunday April 27, 2:30pm to 3:20pm, [Show on Grid]
This is a group of 4 experienced hammered dulcimer players who will present a variety of music styles on the dulcimer. Will also include demonstration/ discussion of playing back up, playing for events (concerts, weddings..), and playing for dances.

NEFFA Homepage - Performer Index