Contra dance pianist, English dance recorder player and pianist

Member of: ABBC, Breaking & Entering (also group contact), Caravan (also group contact), Higher Ground (also group contact), Live Wire (also group contact), Optimus Chime, The Orphans (also group contact), Zarkadelphia
ERASETHISbkennedy99 AT gmail DOT com
Appeared at NEFFA 2024:
Welcome to NEFFA ECD!DS Friday April 19, 7:00pm to 7:50pm, [Show on Grid]
All kinds of English country dances: old, new, familiar, different, gentle, lively... all fun!
Will They, Won't They ContrasDS Friday April 19, 10:30pm to 11:30pm, [Show on Grid]
Dancers come together and drift apart. Partners are lost and reunited. Contras to toy with your emotions and build anticipation.
Contra MedleyNX Sunday April 21, 1:30pm to 1:50pm, [Show on Grid]
The traditional no-walk-through extravaganza of six run-on dances and six callers--for experienced dancers with a positive attitude!
Wavy ContrasDS Sunday April 21, 2:00pm to 2:50pm, [Show on Grid]
Short waves, long waves, ocean waves, you name it! This session will feature dances that make use of the wavy line formation in fun and creative ways.

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